Canare 32MD-ST-2U Midsize Video Patchbay 2x32 2RU MDVJ-STW JacksDescription:
CAN32MDST2U - Canare Hi-Density Mid-Size 2x32 2RU Patchbay with MDVJ-STW Normal Thoughput Mid-size 75-ohm Video Jacks with Staggered Output. FEATURES/ 75-ohm Mid Size VideoPatchbay - EIA 2RU Size 32x MDVJ-STW Normal Through Loaded, Staggered output DC to 2.4GHz: >20dB Return Loss Canare Original "Rotary" Switch Beryllium Copper, Gold Plated Center Contacts Light Weight Alloy Body Easy Maintenance with standard BNC and Canare "Slim BNC" connectors APPLICATIONS 32ch Across, HD-SDI (Hi Definition Serial Digital Interface), Serial Digital Video HDTV Upgrades NTSC Analog OB Van