Canare Star Quad Microphone Cable Unisex XLR 3 FT

Canare HAVEPro
Price: $43.16 per EA
Quantity Discounts
Quantity Final Price
5 Or More $41.00 perEA
SKU: 201011-003BLA
Manufacturer Part Number: 201011-003BLA
Weight: 0.3960 lbs

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201011-003 Canare Star Quad Mic Cable, Unisex XLR 3 FT

We hand assemble this Canare Starquad Mic cable with super flexible Canare L-4E6S cable and innovative Neutrik convertCON Unisex XLR connectors with nickel shells and gold contact pins.

The unique Neutrik convertCON XLRs are 3-pin male AND female connectors in one housing, allowing you to easily select gender by sliding the housing back and forth. If youve ever had your stage mic cables laid out backwards by mistake, this cable is a handy solution! Just change the gender on the connector ends!

The Canare Star Quad cable used is the BEST for DRAMATICALLY reduced hum and EMI, and NO handling noise. This cable is perfect for all microphone use. There are NO better mic cables out there than Canare Starquad cables by HAVEPro !

Features and Specifications:

  • Conductor: 21 AWG, 40 strand(x4) Copper conductors for flexibility and expanded frequency response
  • Special cross-linked PE insulation
  • Shield: >95% Copper High-density TAC Braid
  • Conductor DC Resistance: <29.9 ohms/1000 ft.
  • Shield DC Resistance: <9.1 ohms/1000 ft.
  • Nominal Capacitance: 46.0 pF/ft at 1KHz
  • Nominal Impedance: 44-ohm
  • Hand assembly with the best solder in our own Guild Shop
  • Unique and HANDY Neutrik convertCON unisex XLR connectors
  • Easily change the gender of your cables right at the connector ends
  • Select XLR gender by simply sliding the housing back and forth
  • Standard Color: Black
  • HAVEPro LIFETIME Warranty.

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