Found a lower price than HAVE on any Canare, Neutrik or Gepco product in our webstore?

If you've found an advertised price online that's lower than HAVE's price, for any Canare,
Neutrik or Gepco product on our site, we hope you'll give us a chance to meet or beat that price!

For over 33 years we've been providing the best personal customer service in the industry, and want to extend that to our webstore as well.

Just click the "Found a lower price?" link on any Canare, Neutrik or Gepco product detail page, fill out the fast form, and submit!

We'll get back in touch with you either by email or phone (your choice), with a meet or beat quote, fast! HAVE HAS IT !


Our ABC's

A.  We believe business can and should be run by the “Golden Rule”, an enduring value, and one shared by all of us at HAVE, Inc.

B.  Our mission is to guide our clients to the right products and services; ensuring that those products and services are appriopriate to their needs and are fairly priced.

C.  We respect each other and the people we serve.